Welcome to Scentley

Without a doubt, nothing compares to beautiful scent that captivates you and everyone around. Finding this kind fragrance can be a daunting and expensive endeavor. Why make it anymore difficult? Scentley provides you with genuine perfume samples that are hand-decanted, saving you from purchasing the full fragrance.

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Cannot find what you are looking for?

Why not make a request for it? We aim to get the fragrance you requested within 2-3 days.

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Why decants?

Ever been to the high street and not found the fragrance you are looking for? And been lift with the risky option of purchasing a full bottle at full price to find out if you like it or not? This can be an expensive method to discovery if you love a fragrance or not. Decants are the low-risk, low-cost solution to testing a perfume that you are interested in. Maybe, you would like to wear something extra special for an event such as a wedding or traveling abroad and do not wish to buy the full bottle to use just for that period. A decant of that scent will help in this situation.